The legendary Stephen Sondheim’s beloved musical Company is rolling into Coronado! The production is following a highly successful and inventive Broadway revival where the focal character Robert became Bobbie. In many ways, the late and great Sondheim’s Company was the precursor to the plays, TV, and rom-coms showcasing seemingly together characters gallivant through posh restaurants contemplating their love lives. Some of the biggest stars in the history of Broadway and Hollywood have played these iconic characters, but no matter the cast or iteration of the musical, the story continues to remain relevant with universal themes of love and longing, marriage and mistakes, regret, and redemption.
The show plays out through a series of vignettes as the main character travels through their own past relationships and that of their friends to determine what exactly they want to wish for in their future. Can a birthday message manifest the perfect partner? Joanne and Larry, Peter and Susan, Harry and Sarah, David and Jenny, and Paul and Amy will help Robert – or Bobbie – find out.
Audiences are sure to enjoy being in company with the big personalities of these timeless characters.